How to Get a Metal Debit Card in 2023 | Complete Guide

If you’re looking to upgrade your payment game and add a touch of luxury to your wallet, a metal debit card might be just what you need.

Metal debit cards are becoming increasingly popular among consumers who want a payment method that offers durability, security, and a premium look and feels.

While metal cards were once only available to high-end customers, more banks and financial institutions are now offering metal debit cards to customers with varying account types and credit scores.

In this article, we’ll explore how to get a metal debit card in 2023 and what to consider before making the switch from a traditional plastic debit card.

how to get a metal debit card

What is a Custom Metal Debit Card?

A custom metal debit card is a debit card made out of metal that can be personalized with a unique design or image chosen by the cardholder.

The customization options vary depending on the card issuer but may include the ability to upload a personal image or choose from a selection of designs offered by the issuer.

Custom metal debit cards are often offered as a premium feature and may come with additional benefits such as cashback rewards or travel perks.

How to Get a Metal Debit Card

Getting a metal debit card has become increasingly popular in recent years. The sleek design and durability of metal cards have become a status symbol for some, and many people prefer the heavier feel of a metal card compared to a plastic one.

If you’re interested in getting a metal debit card, here are some ways to do so:

1. Check with your current bank

The first place to start when looking for a metal debit card is with your current bank. Many banks offer metal debit cards as an option for their customers.

Contact your bank to see if they offer metal debit cards and if you’re eligible for one. You may need to have a certain type of account or meet certain criteria to be eligible for a metal debit card.

2. Apply for a new bank account

If your current bank doesn’t offer metal debit cards, consider applying for a new bank account with a bank that does. Many online banks offer metal debit cards as part of their account features.

Online banks tend to have lower overhead costs than traditional banks, which means they can offer more perks, such as metal debit cards, to their customers.

3. Look for metal debit card programs

Some companies offer metal debit card programs that allow you to create a custom metal debit card with your own design.

These programs often charge a fee for the card, but the customization options can be worth it for some people. Look for these programs online or through your bank.

4. Explore premium credit card options

Many premium credit cards offer metal debit cards as an added perk for their members. These cards often come with high annual fees and strict eligibility requirements, but if you’re interested in a premium credit card, check to see if it comes with a metal debit card option.

5. Use a third-party service

There are third-party services that allow you to convert your existing plastic debit card into a metal one.

These services typically charge a fee and may require you to send in your plastic card to be converted. Keep in mind that this option may not be available for all types of plastic debit cards.

6. Consider the costs

Keep in mind that metal debit cards may come with additional costs, such as annual fees or higher interest rates.

Make sure you understand the costs associated with getting a metal debit card before applying for one.

Additionally, some metal debit cards have lower transaction limits compared to plastic cards, so consider whether this will affect your spending habits.

7. Research the benefits

In addition to the aesthetic appeal of metal debit cards, they may also come with additional benefits. Some metal debit cards offer cashback rewards, travel perks, purchases, or other debit card protection. Research the benefits of different metal debit cards to see which one is the best fit for your needs.

8. Compare metal debit card options

Once you’ve researched the different ways to get a metal debit card, compare the options to see which one is the best fit for you. Consider the costs, benefits, and eligibility requirements for each option.

9. Apply for the card

Once you’ve decided which metal debit card to apply for, fill out the application and submit it. The application process may vary depending on the card issuer, so make sure you follow the instructions carefully.

What to Do After Getting a Metal Debit Card

After getting your metal debit card in your hand you need to activate it and use it for the first time.

  1. Activate the card: Once you receive your metal debit card in the mail, activate it according to the instructions provided. You may need to call a customer service number or activate the card online and use it.
  2. Start using the card: Once your metal debit card is activated, start using it for purchases. Some merchants may be unfamiliar with metal debit cards, so be prepared to explain what it is if necessary.

How to Get a Metal Debit Card Bank of America

To get a metal debit card from Bank of America, you must have a Platinum, Platinum Honors, or Preferred Rewards account. If you have one of these accounts, you can request a metal debit card through your online account or by contacting Bank of America customer service.

Annual Fee for a Metal Debit Card

It is not fixed for all banks. The annual fee for a metal debit card can vary greatly depending on the bank or financial institution that offers it. Some metal debit cards may have no annual fee at all, while others may have a fee of over $100.

It’s important to research and compare the costs and benefits of different metal debit cards before choosing one that fits your needs and budget.

Related: Get cash if you lost debit card ideas.

Material Used to Make a Custom Metal Debit Card

Custom metal debit cards can be made from a variety of materials, depending on the card issuer’s preference.

Some common materials used to make custom metal debit cards include stainless steel, brass, aluminum, and titanium.

These metals are often chosen because they are durable, lightweight, and have a premium look and feel.

Some card issuers may also add other materials such as carbon fiber or gold plating to further customize the card’s appearance.

The specific material used to make a custom metal debit card will depend on the card issuer’s design and manufacturing process.

What Banks Have Metal Debit Cards

Many banks and financial institutions offer metal debit cards as a premium feature for their customers. Some of the banks that offer metal debit cards include American Express, Capital One, Chase, Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank, Luxury Card, Citi, City National Bank, and HSBC.

You can also get a metal card from PayPal and Amazon.

These banks offer metal debit cards as an alternative to traditional plastic debit cards, and they are often made with high-quality materials such as stainless steel, titanium, or aluminum.

Some of these banks also offer customization options for their metal debit cards, allowing customers to choose a unique design or add personalization to their cards.

Note: The availability of metal debit cards may depend on the type of account a customer has, as some of these cards are only available to customers with high-level accounts or who meet certain eligibility requirements.

Benefits of Having a Metal Debit Card

There are several benefits of having a metal debit card compared to a traditional plastic debit card. Here are some of the most common benefits:

  1. Durability: Metal debit cards are more durable than plastic cards and can last longer, as they are made of materials such as stainless steel, titanium, or aluminum. This can be particularly useful for frequent travelers who need a card that can withstand the wear and tear of being carried around in a wallet or purse.
  2. Security: Metal debit cards are often more secure than plastic cards because they are harder to counterfeit or skim. They can also be equipped with extra security features such as EMV chips, which provide an added layer of protection against fraud.
  3. Aesthetics: Metal debit cards have a premium look and feel that can be appealing to customers who value luxury or status. They can also be customized with unique designs or personalization options, making them a statement piece for the cardholder.
  4. Perks: Some banks offer additional perks and benefits for customers who have metal debit cards. These can include cashback rewards, travel benefits such as airport lounge access or concierge services, or purchase protection such as extended warranties or price protection.
  5. Environmental impact: Metal debit cards are more environmentally friendly than plastic cards because they are not made of materials that contribute to pollution and waste. They are also often recyclable, reducing their impact on the environment.

Related: Solutions if someone uses your debit card without having it physically.

Some Disadvantages of Metal Debit Card

While metal debit cards offer several benefits, they also have some potential disadvantages that should be considered before choosing a metal card over a traditional plastic debit card. Here are a few potential disadvantages:

  1. Cost: Metal debit cards can be more expensive to produce than plastic cards, and this cost may be passed on to the cardholder in the form of higher fees or requirements for higher account balances or credit scores. Additionally, some metal cards may have annual fees or other costs associated with them that can be higher than those of traditional plastic debit cards.
  2. Weight: The weight of a metal debit card may be a disadvantage for some cardholders, especially those who carry multiple cards or have a lot of items in their wallet or purse. The added weight can be inconvenient or uncomfortable, and some people may prefer the lighter weight of a plastic card.
  3. Limited availability: Not all banks or financial institutions offer metal debit cards, and they may only be available to customers with certain account types or credit scores. This limited availability can make it difficult or impossible for some customers to obtain a metal card.
  4. Customization limitations: While some metal debit cards offer customization options, the range of available designs or personalization options may be more limited than what is available for plastic cards.
  5. Potential for scratches or damage: While metal debit cards are generally more durable than plastic cards, they are not scratch-proof or indestructible. They may become scratched or damaged over time, which can detract from their appearance or functionality.

Also read, Tips for finding the zip code of a debit card.


Metal debit cards offer a range of benefits, including durability, security, aesthetics, and potential perks.

While there may be some disadvantages to consider, such as higher costs or limited customization options, many customers find that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

If you’re interested in getting a metal debit card, start by researching banks and financial institutions that offer metal cards and comparing the costs and benefits of different options.

Consider your own needs and preferences, as well as any additional perks or features that might be important to you.

With careful research and consideration, you can find a metal debit card that meets your needs and adds a touch of luxury to your everyday spending.


How much do metal debit cards typically cost?

The cost of a metal debit card can vary depending on the bank or financial institution that offers it. Some metal cards may have an annual fee or require a certain account balance or credit score to qualify. In general, metal cards are more expensive to produce than plastic cards, which can make them more expensive for the cardholder.

Are metal debit cards more secure than plastic cards?

Metal debit cards can offer additional security features, such as EMV chips, contactless payment options, and personalized security codes. However, the security of a card also depends on the bank or financial institution’s fraud protection policies and the cardholder’s own security habits.

Can I customize my metal debit card design?

Some banks and financial institutions offer customization options for metal debit cards, such as personalized engravings or unique designs. However, the range of customization options may be more limited than what is available for plastic cards.

Can I get a metal debit card if I have bad credit?

Some banks and financial institutions may require a certain credit score or account balance to qualify for a metal debit card. However, there are also options for customers with lower credit scores or limited account balances, such as secured credit cards or debit cards.

Are metal debit cards heavier than plastic cards?

Yes, metal debit cards are generally heavier than plastic cards due to the metal material. The added weight may be a disadvantage for some cardholders who prefer a lighter wallet or purse.

Is a metal debit card activated like a plastic card?

Yes, metal debit cards are activated in the same way as plastic cards. Once you receive your metal card, you will need to follow the activation process provided by your bank or financial institution, which may include calling a phone number or logging into an online account. Once activated, you can start using your metal debit card just like a plastic debit card.

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